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Spine Surgery in Mumbai & Cost Procedure - AHC

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Spine Surgery in Mumbai & Cost Procedure - AHC

Back pain is a common reason people consult their doctor, and in many cases, conservative treatment, including physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications, can bring relief.

Hemorrhoids may cause pain, severe itching, and difficulty sitting.   Fortunately, they’re treatable.

However, spinal deformity, spinal infections, trauma, spine tumors and some degenerative spine conditions, such as stenosis and herniated disks, may require surgical treatment. For the best outcome, it makes sense to consult a spine surgery team with plenty of experience.

Spine surgery allows surgeons to decompress, move and fix vertebral structures, and replace them if necessary. Back surgery is an option to consider when conservative treatments have not worked and the pain remains persistent and prevents the development of a normal life. There are several types of back surgery:- 


Reasons of Spine Surgery:-

To take pressure off of nerves :- Conditions like a disc herniation or spinal stenosis, compress the nerves within the spinal column which can lead to pain, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, and other more symptoms. Spinal surgery is typically required with this condition to avoid permanent impairment. This can be accomplished through surgeries like an artificial disc replacement, a laminectomy.

To stabilize an unstable spine :- Spine stabilization refers to the surgical procedures that correct spinal instability and deformity while they optimize the physiological weight-bearing function and mobility of the spinal column.

To realign a crooked spine:- In a spinal fusion, the curved vertebrae are fused together so that they heal into a single, solid bone. This will stop growth completely in the abnormal segment of the spine and prevent the curve from getting worse.

All spinal fusions use some type of bone material, called a bone graft, to help promote the fusion. Generally, small pieces of bone are placed into the spaces between the vertebrae to be fused. The bone grows together — similar to when a broken bone heals.

Types of Surgery & Procedure:-


The first type of spine surgery that became commonly performed as an outpatient procedure is the lumbar discectomy. This surgery is performed to remove the herniated portion of the lumbar disc. It has a high success rate, especially in relieving sciatica, caused by the herniated portion of the disc pressing against a nerve.

There are 2 types of discectomy:- 

Microdiscectomy:- Microdiscectomy is sometimes described as a minimally invasive spine surgery, Microdiscectomy is a type of spinal decompression surgery, and the term microdecompression – which describes the surgical removal of any bone or ligament that is compressing a nerve – may also be used to describe the procedure. However, the term “microdiscectomy” is more specific to the removal of the fragment of the herniated disc tissue that is causing the patient’s symptoms.

Percutaneous discectomy:- A percutaneous (through the skin) discectomy (also called endoscopic discectomy) is similar to microdiscectomy.

For some patients, a percutaneous discectomy can help relieve back and leg pain symptoms, including sciatica and radiculopathy. A percutaneous discectomy is considered acceptable treatment for patients with small, contained herniations. It may also be an option for patients with large, contained (non-ruptured disc) herniations for whom open surgery would not be an appropriate treatment.

Percutaneous discectomy is a straightforward procedure. The patient receives a local anesthetic and possibly mild sedation; no general anesthesia is required. Needle insertion is simple, with little pain. Once the needle is inserted into the disc, the disc decompression itself takes only a few minutes. The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes and the patient is able to leave the recovery area with only a small bandage over the needle insertion site

Recovery:- It may take up to 8 weeks to get back to doing your usual activities. Your doctor may advise you to work with a physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles around your spine and trunk. You will need to learn how to lift, twist, and bend so you don’t put too much strain on your back.

2) LAMINECTOMY:- Laminectomies and laminotomies are among the most common procedures performed by neurosurgeons and orthopedic spine surgeons. Laminectomies in particular are considered one of the most effective treatments for spinal stenosis and spinal canal issues such as tumors, certain kinds of infections and abscesses, and spinal issues involving bowel or bladder dysfunction. Patients who have not gotten good results from non-surgical treatments could also benefit from a laminectomy.

The primary indication for laminectomy is spinal stenosis, a condition most common in people over the age of 60. But that is not the only reason someone might be a good candidate for laminectomy. Other considerations and conditions include:

  • Failure of previous treatments, including medication, fusion surgery, physical therapy, and injections

  • The presence of tumors in or near the spine

  • Certain types of infection including epidural abscess

  • Neurologic defects

  • Bowel or bladder dysfunction.

RECOVERY:- our recovery time will depend on the extent of your surgery and your own personal situation. In general, here’s what to expect:

  • After a minor (decompressive) laminectomy, you are usually able to return to light activity (desk work and light housekeeping) within a few days to a few weeks.

  • If you also had spinal fusion with your laminectomy, your recovery time will likely be longer — from two to four months

3) FUSION:- A spinal fusion surgery is designed to stop the motion at a painful vertebral segment, which in turn should decrease pain generated from the joint.

Spinal fusion is surgery to join two or more vertebrae into one single structure. The goal is to stop movement between the two bones and prevent back pain. Once they’re fused, they no longer move like they used to. This keeps you from stretching nearby nerves, ligaments, and muscles that may have caused discomfort.

RECOVERY:- The time it takes to recover from lumbar spinal surgery fusion is different for every patient. Typically, patients will spend 1-4 nights in the hospital and begin feeling much better after the second or third night. You will need to restrict your activity for the first 2 weeks, and it will likely be about 4-6 weeks before you can return to your normal routine. It takes most patients about 3 months to feel fully recovered from surgery. For some people, particularly those with other health issues or patients who had multiple levels of fusion, it may take closer to a year to fully recover from spinal fusion.

4) DISCIMPLANT:- Although an estimated 70 to 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, most will not need surgery to improve their pain.

If at least six months of aggressive nonsurgical treatment has failed to help, and especially if the pain and other symptoms are making it difficult to complete everyday activities, then back surgery may be an option to bring about pain relief and restore one’s ability to function. For patients in this situation, this article provides an overview of the two types of back surgery now available: spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement.

RECOVERY:- In most cases, you will stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days after artificial disk replacement. The length of your stay will depend upon how well-controlled your pain is and your return to function.

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